How much does it cost?

Consider a health care protocol equivalent to replacing a car part. Depending on the severity of condition determines the expense. We have protocols for all major diseases designed to make a significant improvement in your health within 4-8 weeks. When we consider rehabbing an injured body part, we go to physical therapy three times a

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What if I got sick?

Davis Family Chiropractic’s “Advanced Healthcare Solutions Natural Fit” science based nutritional protocols have yielded fantastic results with disease resolution. These protocols were put together to help with these hard questions: What if I got this disease? What would I do? Where would I start? To whom would I turn? What would you do if you

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What is the difference between proactive and reactive health care?

Davis Family Chiropractic does not practice reactive healthcare. Our current healthcare model and insurance reimbursement is all reactive based medicine which waits till you get sick before treatment is rendered. Because we are a proactive healthcare service, we continually monitor our client’s health and make the proper recommendation to support their progress and avoid sickness.

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What is Advanced Healthcare Solutions?

Advanced Healthcare Solutions (AHS) is a subsidiary of Davis Family Chiropractic. AHS is aproactive healthcare system that utilizes research-based and scientifically tested nutritional programs designed to alleviate your pain, disease, ailment, symptom or condition. AHS addresses and corrects the root of your disease so symptoms do not exist. We recommend laboratory-tested, safe, and all natural

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