Natural Fit Weight Loss Program

Weight Loss Initial Scheduling

Effective 7/14/2020: In order to make our weight loss program more convenient and to protect our staff and doctors from over-crowding at the office, we are scheduling new weight loss consults and follow up consults as remote visits. Natural Fit Starter Kits and supplements may be purchased online @ naturalfitweightloss.com.

Recommendations and Tips

When scheduling for your first consult please keep in mind that we want to set you up for success on our program. Remembering these quick tips is fundamental to enjoying your experience during your weight loss journey:

  1. The Natural Fit Program only works if you see it through!  Scheduling and keeping your weight loss follow up visit with us crucial to success during the course of the program. This program is not intended and not structured as a do-it-yourself remedy for weight loss. We will be closely monitoring your progress and guiding you throughout your commitment. 
  2. It’s great to have a support team. This can be a spouse, relative, or friend that is doing the program along with you, or simply giving you encouragement during the process. If you are not the primary meal preparer for your household, we recommend bringing that person along with you during your initial consult. 
  3. Prepare yourself mentally for your first visit or going into any social situation where temptations to fluctuate your diet are high. We should start each day with good vibes and optimistic thoughts!  

Initial Consult - What to Expect

Your initial consult will be preceded with new patient paperwork, a weigh-in, and a urinalysis. Please arrive for your visit ten to fifteen minutes early to accommodate these things. 

After these steps are completed, you can expect to meet and talk with either the doctor or a trained weight-loss consultant. During this time you will hear more about the Natural Fit program and how to get started as well as be able to review your health journey thus far, set goals for yourself and ask any questions you may have.

Before leaving the office, we can set you up with the necessary supplements to start your diet, review the pricing options going forward with the program, and schedule your follow-up visits. 

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