In addition to chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy we offer a myriad of other services to complement your visit with us. Just ask your doctor if any these services would be right for you.

Decompression Therapy
Great for back, neck, and knee pain, arthritis, bulged, herniated, and degenerative disc.

Electric Muscle Stimulation
Great for general pain, neuropathy, restless leg syndrome, and cramping.

Cold Laser Therapy
Great for pain, arthritis, and tendonitis. Five minutes with this infrared laser technology reduces inflammation in areas of pain and soreness.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy
Great for low energy, pain, arthritis, neuropathy, and healing of broken bones. Our PEMF therapy works on the whole body or specific areas of pain and soreness.

Audio Visual Stimulation
Great for brain injuries, brain disease, and memory issues. Our Clear Mind Focus neurofeedback unit heals by retraining your brain through audio and visual cues.