
What is being healthy?

Many confuse medication with health. Some think because they are taking a medication for, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or heartburn, it means we are healthy; simply because those symptoms no longer exist. This could not be farther from the truth. Can you ever truly be “healthy” if you need medication? If you need to rely on medication doesn’t it mean you are sick? If your body is not healthy, medication is a crutch that you will never be able to live without. Medications usually have negative long term side effects causing deficiencies in our biochemistry. For example, oral birth control pills deplete vitamin B6 and cholesterol medications deplete Coenzyme Q10. Both nutrients are import in energy production and preventing heart attacks. So by taking these medications you’re actually putting yourself at risk of fatigue and heart problems.

Davis Family Chiropractic is not anti-medication. We understand that medicine is sometimes needed, however… should only be taken for the shortest time necessary, with a plan to safely discontinue the medication once the underlying nutritional deficiencies have been fixed. Davis Family Chiropractic’s “Advanced Healthcare Solutions” nutritional protocols balance our biochemistry returning us to health.

Medications are not designed to be taken for long term – effectiveness decreases and more medications are needed for the same desired effect. Medical Dr. David Brownstein confirms this long-term medicinal usage by saying, “You can’t poison a crucial enzyme or block an important receptor for the long term and expect a good result.” Essentially that is what medicine does. It either increases or decreases the body’s biochemistry but does not address why the biochemistry is off in the first place. Davis Family Chiropractic has done the detective work to understand why diseases exist and how to improve the conditions naturally. Davis Family Chiropractic’s “Advanced Healthcare Solutions” nutritional protocols recover your health so you do not have to rely on drugs which only give you the illusion of health.

There are two ways to look at health care: 1. Wait till you get sick or have a serious disease develop and attempt to treat with medication OR 2. Treat regularly with vitamins so our body stays healthy and disease can’t exist. Davis Family Chiropractic recommends the healthy option to clients, avoiding sickness and pain.

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