
How much does it cost?

Consider a health care protocol equivalent to replacing a car part. Depending on the severity of condition determines the expense. We have protocols for all major diseases designed to make a significant improvement in your health within 4-8 weeks.

When we consider rehabbing an injured body part, we go to physical therapy three times a week for six weeks. Rehabbing an organ or organ system is the same. Usually six weekly treatments are needed in order to repair an organ system – digestion, reproduction, detoxification, and even musculoskeletal conditions.

Within that time healthy weight loss is experienced, along with a decrease in symptoms (including blood pressure, cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes), a decreasing risk of all major diseases (including heart attack, cancer, and stroke), an increase in energy, elevated mood, and improving your health naturally. All of this can be expected by following the Davis Family Chiropractic protocols. Monthly protocol prices range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars depending on the severity of your condition and declines rapidly as your health improves.

Rehabbing an organ is a much cheaper option than surgery or long-term medicinal use, without the life altering repercussions of having an organ removed or side-effects of medication. Even though organ removal and medicinal use may cause minimal or unnoticed effects, our body may endure lifelong complications.

By rehabbing your health there is no need to worry about the complications and regrets from surgery. Our protocols rehab organ systems so, when possible, surgery can be avoided.

Rehabbing an organ system may cost an engine or transmission; but this is much more important than your car – We are talking about your health! For the rest of our lives we want to keep our parts in good working condition and as healthy as possible so they never wear out or breakdown. Davis Family Chiropract, alongside Advanced Healthcare Solutions, is ready to improve your health naturally using customized nutritional protocols.

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