
How does Davis Family Chiropractic fit within our health care model?

When I was in my early 20’s, an unbalanced diet caused me to develop kidney stones; an excruciating experience. Surgery was needed and a CAT scan confirmed twelve more stones. I thought, “Am I going to have to go through this twelve more times?” At no time did a doctor explain to me why I had developed kidney stones and what I need to do to reverse the condition, avoiding another attack. My after surgery care instructions were to either pass the stones naturally or come back to the emergency room. I thought this was horrifying news to think that I would go through this multiple times. What a waste of time, pain, and money. This is why our healthcare system is broken. There is no guidance on how to get rid of diseases. This costly approach towards health drives an unnecessary use of medication and surgeries. It was then I decided to research why kidney stones develop and what I needed to do to get rid of them. Given my holistic background I did this in the safest way with the most natural treatments possible.

After making the proper changes in my life my body reabsorbed the stones; they never passed and I haven’t had another attack. I thought, “If this works for one disease, it has to work for them all.”

My research didn’t stop at kidney stones. Within a 2 year project I researched every major disease, injury, symptom, complaint, diagnosis and complex syndrome, and formulated a natural vitamin solution with complete dietary plan, acupressure and reflexology guide to effectively combat these ailments – so they do not return!

There is no other program like Davis Family Chiropractic’s “Advanced Healthcare Solutions”, giving you natural and safe remedies, advancing your health, and eliminating your condition. Because of these protocols Davis Family Chiropractic is equipped to handle difficult, long term and chronic cases – even remotely. Contact can be set up through this Website. Davis Family Chiropractic looks forward to taking care of you and your family.

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